Monday, May 13, 2019

Crimes committed by teenagers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Crimes committed by teenagers - Essay ExampleAs Allen (1996) observes, in many parts of the world, both(prenominal) teens have been engaged in reprehensible activities because their families do not want to take up responsibilities. So many teens have been neglected by family members who leave them to fend for themselves due to economic hardship, or by chance because of their (family) negligence. In order to make ends meet such teens have always found themselves doing such criminal activities like robbing with violence. Teens might also find themselves committing criminal activities as a way of revenging for what society has through to them - they will always feel that society has forgotten them and that they are the wretched of the earth.Fourthly, some families have both knowingly or unknowingly entrusted their teenage children with a lot of decision making. It must be mute that in as much as a teen may tend to be rise, iodine thing families should know is that such children m ight not be physically or emotionally mature for such decision making. They are sometimes bound to make the very wrong decision, which may answer from criminal activities. The law should not be lenient to such family members because it is their responsibility to instill discipline and to chasten them until they reach the maturity stage where they can be left to take up their personal responsibilities. do parents pay for the crimes committed by their teenage children along with their teens is something which should not be debated on.

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