Saturday, May 25, 2019
Understanding Self and Others
After watching the motion picture crash a couple of times, I decided to mainly focus on Anthony who is played by Ludacris, who is an African American car thief. I felt that Anthony was a good character to choose for this character analysis because in my judgement he is the one character who had one view at the beginning of the movie, and by the end his views attended to tot whollyy turn around. He was a very sterile man. Anthonys view of passel from a nonher colour, race, gender or economic cl cornerstone was strongly offensive, he assumed that white people were al counsels racialist towards shadowys. Did you see any white people waiting an hour and a half for spaga leadti(Haggis, 2004) Anthony was under the impression that although the waitress was smuggled, she saw that they were desolate and were not passing to tip. Anthonys views of any otherwise race they his own, is very negative, but in his eyes African American people should all stick together, and neer go against each other. Bias is not a bad word. Biases is an attitude or belief- its not until we act it out in behaviour that our bias affects someone else- it may advantage or disadvantage an individual or a group( Valenti, 2011).I felt that Anthony was very bias to cultures outside of his own, he was very stereotypical, with that be said, I would consider him to have a very negative attitude towards others with a different racial background. She got colder as soon as she saw us (Haggis, 2004), this was said by Anthony after noticing that jean linked girds with her husband. Anthony just jumped to a conclusion that just because she was a white girl, she grabbed her husbands arm to protect her from the black men. I mobilize he is very self conscious and studys that everyone has racial book of facts Analysis 3 iscrimination towards him. this white women sees two black abuses who look like ucla students strolling down the sidewalk and her reaction is blind fear( Haggis, 2004). He is ver y bias, because if instead of it having been Jean and her husband walking down the street, if it was Christine and her husband, I am highly sure that he would not of made those comments that he did, after all that being said, he decided to steal theyre motor truck anyways, just because they were white, and assumed racial discrimination.When Anthony communicated with others he was the one being racist, and he assumed people made decisions based on their race. A perfect ideal of that is when he was talking to his friend Peter who is black, but is not African American like himself. Anthony No, no, no, take that voodoo-ass thing off of there redress promptly Peter I know you just didnt call St. Christopher voodoo. Mans the patron saint of travelers, dog. Anthony You had a conversation with God, huh? What did God say? Go forth, my son, and appropriate big slobbery suction rings on every dashboard you find? Why the hell do you do that?Peter Look at the way your crazy ass drive, then ask me that again (IMDB, 1990) Although throughout the whole movie Peter was Anthonys best buddy, and he was always with him, he still did not consider in what Peter believed in, he made fun of Peter because he wanted to coiffe a statue of a Saint on the dashboard of the truck that was STOLEN, from the married couple. Anthony talks to others as if they are always incorrect or stupid. Anthony That waitress sized us up in two seconds. Were black and black people dont Character Analysis 4 tip. So she wasnt gonna waste her time.Now somebody like that? Nothing you can do to change their mind. Peter So, uh how much did you leave? Anthony You expect me to pay for that kind of service? (IMDB,1990). This is another good example of how he interacts with others, he thinks everyone looks down to him, at the beginning of the movie he declared that all black people stick together, but after going to a restaurant and getting this poor service from a black waitress, he still finds away to turn it around as if people were hating on him because he is black, and took it into his own hands and decided to walk out without paying.He made it seem like he got poor service because he did not tip, but maybe the waitress was the solitary(prenominal) one working and was extremely busy? , No according to Anthony everyone he interacts with his racist. In the beginning of the movie Anthony came out as a stuck up black man that was always right, and never wrong. He lived by the motto Black people stick with theyre own kind . His friend on the other hand took into consideration of others, and tried to help Anthony agnize but he was too stubborn.In the beginning of the movie, Peter and Anthony had no way of getting around so Peter waved down the bus, for them to take Anthony was shook by the fact and said you have no idea why they sick them big windows on sides of buses do you? Peter was curious was to why Anthony thought they put big windows on buses, any other person would just know th ey are there just to let some natural lighting in the bus, and to open windows on warm days, but Anthony stated One reason save, to humiliate the people of colour who are reduced to riding on them. Anthony again assuming that only coloured people are meant to ride the bus and the Character Analysis 5 reason windows are on buses is so that people could look inside and laugh at them. Later on in the movie Peter and Anthony ran over a china man and Anthony wanted to honk the Chinese man, and drive away. Peter then explained to Anthony how if they left him laying on the ground there was a high possibility that he would die. Anthony then began to understand, so they provided him for him and pulled him out from under the truck. Later on in the movie, Anthony was then seen riding on the bus.It goes to show that his attitudes in the beginning of the movie did not reflect who is was burn up the end. He slowly began to realize that not everybody was against him because he was black. A spec ific scenery that really caught my attention is when Anthony took the Chinese mans truck and brought it to the browse to get cleaned up, and then cognize there were a bunch of Asians in the back of the truck that had been locked up for only God knows how long, The man at the cheat on offered Anthony 500$ a body, and he decided to turn down the offer, and bring them into the city. He then gave money to one of them to go buy everybody chop suey.I open that very positive of him to do, which really showed that there was a turning point from him, and he started to see situations in a more mature manner. I think the character that I feel I can relate to best is Jean Cabot. I think that I relate to her most is because when I was young, I was at my grandmothers house who lives in Jane and Finch, where the majority of the population is coloured people, and I heard a bang and just assumed it was a bang from a gunman, and I went crazy and blamed it all on black people because they all ha ve guns. I was then freaking out and made my grandmother ock all the doors, and whenever I seen a black person I would hide in fear. The scene where Jean was still in shock from her truck being stolen, and Daniel the Character Analysis 6 Latino was changing her lock, she freaked out on her husband because of his appearance, and assumed that he was a gang member, when really he was an innocent guy who changes locks for a living. I feel that I relate a lot to her also because, I have had many people turn their backs on me when I need them most, and the one person you never thought you would rely on turns out to be your greatest friend ever.Me and Jean seem to judge a book by its cover, when it is not the cover that is important, its the information written in the book that is important. A few scenes that had a strong reaction from me was right in the beginning of the movie, when Jean and her husband were so innocent walking down the sidewalk, not causing any harm and Anthony and Peter noticed Jean link arms with her husband and they just assumed they did that because they were black, so they then decided to steal their truck for absolutely no reason.It is so scary to think that black people think like that, it makes me wonder, if I am ever in public and I decide to hold on to my boyfriends arm, and a black person seems to notice, does that mean my life is in danger? Another scene from the movie that evoked a strong reaction from me was when Officer Ryan pulled over Christine and her African husband for literally nothing, and he disgustingly physically put his hands on her in ways an officer should never until now think of.This scene had me worried and disgusted at the same time, it also worries me because if I was ever put in a situation like that I am not sure as to what I would exactly do, would I open my mouth to him knowing he has a gun attached to his belt? or would I just accept the fact that a dirty pig just offended me physically. When Daniel was trying to fix the store proprietors lock, he tried to explain to him in Character Analysis 7 a calm manner that in order to fix the lock he needed to change the door, and the store owner didnt believe him, he was constantly calling Daniel a liar nd a cheater, and was saying that Daniel was trying to steal his money. It made me upset because Farhad was only saying that he was a cheater and a liar because of his appearance, when really Daniel is an innocent guy who works hard for his money, and just because he has tattoos people get the wrong impression. I was so upset at the scene where the store owner showed up at Daniels house with the intention to shoot him without even confronting him of the situation, but when his daughter Laura ran out to save her daddy, Farhad then decided to shoot, with the impression that he shot the little girl it got my eyes to water.I was then relieved that the gun had blank bullets and did not harm either of them. The scene that I felt very offended by was whe n the man in the shop offered Anthony 500$ a person for the innocent Asians that were found at the back of the truck, why would this man want innocent Asians for, I am so proud of Anthony that he realized that money was not the only thing in the world, and he allowed the Asians to experience life outside of the truck that they probably thought they would never see again.This movie has changed my perceptive of others because of the fact that in this movie there were so many different stereotypes and so many people being judge because of their race. I was never really aware of the types of discrimination that went on in the world until actually watching this movie, it really opened up my eyes. It is not fair to be set based on your race, everybody was put on this earth to do the same thing, there is no reason that someone should be discriminated.It really broke my nervus at some of the Character Analysis 8 situations that occurred in the movie, I almost couldnt handle them. Sometime s we are to blind to see how a silly little comment can affect somebody so much, and really hurt theyre feelings. This movie really changed my look on other cultures, I realize that everyone is equally the same. I am happy that Anthony realized that not only coloured people take the bus and he put his pride aside and actually rode the bus, because in eality the bus is for anybody, there is no such thing as he does this because he is black or she is only good at doing that because she is Spanish. It is very important to keep in mind other peoples feelings, imagine being the only white person in a class of majority colour people, would you want to be treated like the outsider? Or did you want to be treated the exact same way as the other 23 people in the classroom.
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